HI Trudy,
I'm Stacy and had acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.  It's been 5 yrs memeorial weekend.  I was also on neurontin 1200mg 3x a day.  As I decreased the neurontin and increased the lyrica (200mg 3x a day).  I still had withdraw after I got off of the neurontin.  I did it slowly but still got the headaches.  If you get them, don't worry.  They will go away.  I also take oxycodone twice a day.  I am on baclofen, valium, and zanaflex for the spasms.  that is the whole spinal cord injury fact of it.  I have left over damage on my spine that paralyzed me from right below my chest.  I am dealinig with a pressure sore that I am sure that is making the spasms worse but I am getting surgery actually at the end of the month.  What are the odds? lol.
Anyhow I wanted to let you know what could happen since you are or were on a great deal of neurontin.  I also love lyrica compared and love the fact the pills are smaller. LOL.  I hope it works for you as well as it does for me.
----- Original Message -----
From: Trudy
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:40 AM
Subject: [TMIC] Lyrica


I have also just begun taking Lyrica. I've had TM 4 years, am able to use a walker to get around. I have been on 2400mg. of Neurontin. I told my new neuro that I was concerned about my memory loss... Of course turning 60 doesn't help. So I am to take 75mg. (lyrica)  twice a day and start on Baclofen 5mg. twice a day (eventually to get to 10mg. 3xday) and each week decrease my Neurontin by 300..

For my birthday my brother treated me to a helicopter ride over New York City! What an incredible sight.. the world looks so beautiful from that height.

Trudy in Virginia where the days have been awesome!

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