Title: AOL Email
Having had fibromyalgia and CFIDS for so many years before TM, I am used to the overwhelming fatigue.  For me, it is nothing new that came with the disease.
Over the years, more than one doctor has told me that the fatigue is brought on by the immune deficiency part of the diseases.  The immune system turns on when we are first violated by disease, but in our case, does not turn off the way it normally would when one recovers from being ill.  The amount of work involved in fighting disease takes up enormous amounts of energy, and some of our systems are overworked, sometimes to the point of giving in and that's when other viruses, etc take over, taxing our bodies even more to the limit.
Does this premise sound like any other that has been voiced over the years on this TM site?  Is it medically incorrect?  I have always wondered.
Any other viewpoints?
Peace to you all,

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