Thanks so much for responding to me about this.  I guess I need to do my research about Lyrica. 
Have a good evening Stacy.

Stacy Harim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have both Medicare and Medicaid.  My income is very low so Medicaid picks up the 20 percent Medicare doesn't.  I'm only on disability, not married and my rent is half of my check so I easily qualify.  I wish I knew how much lyrica is but I never asked.  You could call your pharmacy and they would tell you but a lot depends on how many milligrams you need.
Good luck,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Questions about weaning off Neurontin

No, I wasn't on Medicaid.  I'm on Medicare.  I didn't have any prescription insurance at all last year.  Instead I received free meds from the drug manufacturers.  Now that Medicare has the new drug insurance program I am on that.  Since I have insurance for my meds I can no longer qualify for patient assistance programs through the drug manufacturers.  Medicare pays the first $2600 in meds (that's the total costs, not the copays).  Then I'm responsible for the next $3600 in costs.  My current meds total monthly cost is around $400.  That's too much for my meager income so I decided I needed to try to get the costs pared down before I reach that $2600 amount.  And I'm coming up on it very soon.
So you are on Lyrica?  How expensive is it?  How long have you been on it?  I take Baclofen and it's helping. 

Stacy Harim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I had a very hard time weaning off of the nuerontin.  Do it very slowly.  I did it the way the doctor told me to and started lyrica slowly at the same time and had severe headaches.  I would advise you to check and see how much the lyrica is.  That could help you with the cramping and numbness that wasn't there because you were on the nuerontin and the lyrica could help.
Was medicaid paying for your meds before the drug plan?  If so, you might be on the wrong plan because I only paid a few bucks for Neurontin.  I would go and investigate the drug plans and see which ones that have the lowest cost on your medications if you haven't done so.
I hope it all works out for you,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 4:04 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Questions about weaning off Neurontin

Does anyone have advice on weaning off Neurontin?  I've decided I must do so because of the high cost.  I'm on the Medicare drug plan and the Neurontin is so expensive that I'll soon reach the first level.  (then I would have to shoulder the cost of the next $3600....can't afford that).  I'm on Baclofen since January and it's helping me. 
And, no, I have not discussed this with my doctor.  :)
I normally take 3200 mg. a day.  I started reducing my dosage slightly last week--down 400 mg. a day.  Yesterday I reduced it even more.  But I am having some additional mild cramping and mild pain in the cramping areas.  It's not bad but is noticeable.  I am also extra numb from head to toe.  Now the numbness could be from the heat since it's been hitting 112 plus for several days now.
Any thoughts?
TM 1997 to MS 1998

Sharon --from Arizona TM 1997 to MS 1998
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