The new orthopedic surgeon told me to get a powered wheelchair before I do more damage to my shoulders! And he convinced me I should get the left shoulder repaired.

I need guidance.

I live in a farmhouse built in 1790: there are no floors level or flat. I have a ramp, and I put in several graceful transitions at [mostly narrow] doorways, but the house is still a challenge for a wheelie.

I have always attended public meetings in the winter, so the chair should be able to go through two or three inches of snow. [How I get it there is a problem for future consideration. My car is a Subaru station wagon.] My legs still function, albeit not well.

This leads me to think in terms of a center-wheel-drive with large drive wheels. e.g. Jazzy 600. Until I solve the transportation problem, I would use the old chair and a pushy friend away from home.

What do you suggest? Where can I find a "Consumer Report" for wheels? What should I avoid?

Alton, whose new ortho has accepted a teaching position at the Univ. of Kentucky med school - darn it

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