I can second what Gilly said. I had some pain in one area at TM onset (10+ years ago). That went away. Over the years I developed some pain in my back that wasn't there originally, and they think it is TM related. But mine is intermittent -- some days it is hardly bearable, but other days it is not a problem at all.
My heart goes out to those in constant pain.
But I agree with Gilly, too, that it's best not to worry about it. I know you're not asking out of worry right now but just wanting information. But we each have plenty on our plates to deal with each day as it is without thinking about what might happen. I have to just take each day as it comes and trust God for grace for that day, sometimes just for that moment, and trust that that same grace will be there for each day in the future. Sometimes I liken it to riding the waves, an analogy I heard once in reference to labor -- someone had said that if, during labor, they began thinking, "What if I have to do this for 24 hours or more?" it became more difficult and they became more tense and upset. But if they hung onto the thought that "I only have to get through this contraction for right now" they could give all their concentration to it and could get through it better. They likened it to riding that one wave at a time and not worrying about all the rest that might come. I thought that was a great analogy for life in general and TM in particular.
Wishing you all the best, Carol.
Barbara H.
In a message dated 6/9/2006 1:27:16 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Many of us have had an increase in pain and many have not, so, best not to worry about it until it happens.

On 09/06/06, Carol E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I was diagnosed with TM 1 year ago, June 16th.  So far, I have only some discomfort in my body and no real pain to complain of.  My question is....is that the way everyone starts out and then the pain comes later?  Does it make a difference where your lesions are?  Mine is at T8-T10.  Should I be expecting the hammer to fall any day? 
Your input would be appreciated.
Carol in Culver, IN

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