It was very kind of that clerk to do that for you.  I dropped my cane yesterday 
and a clerk left her register to pick it up for me.  There are still a lot of 
tender hearted people around.
---- Natalie Boyles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> AOL EmailHi Jude and listers,
> Thank you everyone for the info on lyric and the other things that work.
> Sorry to hear Jude, that you and others also had a bad day. And yes, today is 
> another one, but I dragged myself out and hobbled along with my cane. I must 
> have looked pretty bad, as a clerk in the grocery store came over to me and 
> put me to the head of the line. Here I thought I was doing pretty well, ggg.
> Natalie
>   ----- Original Message ----- 
>   Cc: 
>   Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2006 11:53 AM
>   Subject: Re: [TMIC] Question re: Lyrica
>         In a message dated 6/21/2006 2:45:05 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED] writes:
>           days like that.
>         Dear Natalie,
>         I'm sorry that you had such a bad day and am praying now that you are 
> feeling in better shape.  
>         It's strange, but I have spoken with lots of people who didn't feel 
> well yesterday.  I canceled my orthopedic appointment because I was so 
> spasmed that I felt like a straight board.  Today is no different...
>         It is a lovely day outside and I am wondering if getting out of this 
> damn bed and spending some time in the chair communing with Mother Nature 
> might do me some good.
>         Take care of you,
>         Jude

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