Hi Bernie,   I live in Woodbury and am seeing a neuro from North Shore Manhasset Hosp.  I was taken ill this past Sept.  As of yet not really diagnosed.  First thought it was GM, then TM or a spinal cord stroke.  This Neuro (Jeffrey Nelson) took on my case after all the neuros in the hosp. threw up there hands.  His greatest advice to me was get off your butt and do therapy.  There is no cure for any of this, so get out there and work your butt off at therapy.  8 mos. later I am able to get around with a walker but not well.  Just now considering a power chair and getting a special minivan.  After reading all the back and forth e mails from everyone on this list, I have come to  the realization that the drs. really do not know what to do with this.  Most people have gone to too many drs. with no real results as far as I am concerned.  Be interested in hearing your take on this.  Take care,  Rosalie

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