I wrote a short time back about my TM history so I won't go into detail.
I got TM a little over two years ago, but had no post-hospital follow-up with a neurologist, just my primary doctor.
I finally visited a neuro who ordered 3 MRI's, blood tests and two other tests: VER (Visual Evoked Response) and BAER (Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response). 
In the meantime, the  neuro gave me a prescription for Dantrium because of stiffness in my legs. 
Has anyone else taken this? Does it work?  How about side effects?
I looked up info. on the web but would like input from someone who has used it.
I haven't filled the RX as I don't really like the looks of the possible side effects.
I go back to the neuro 7/18 to find out the results of the above tests.  I think this new diagnosis will still remain TM, but I guess I'll find out.
Any comments on Dantrium?
Gary in Michigan

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