It is good to hear from you again!
Sorry for your losses but you are among friends!
Gary in Michigan
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:13 AM
Subject: [TMIC] home after being lost for a while

Hello All,
    I've been out of touch for quite a while.  Lots of reasons that I won't get into too much detail on, most of which have been some new serious illnesses that are mostly resolved for now and depression.  I have missed all of you.  I have sort of tried to keep up with the goings on here, but I'm very sure have missed out on quite a bit. 
    It's been  probably about a year since I've been activly participating in this list, and as I look back so much has happened in my life.  Our children have moved away, along with grandsons.   And, now another grandson was born in Florida in April, when we live in California.  That's been a big part of the depression, as well as the loss of my mother and other family members, one of which a 20 yr old, 
    I am finding myself  evolving out of the depression though, as my family has visited and the older grandchildren have stayed behind with us. 
    I am also feeling somewhat better physically, which is another boom for my mental attitude.  I know that the two go hand in hand to some extent, but not entirely in my case.  I am hoping to continue my positive rebound, as I totally hated the alternative.  I know it wasn't fun for me or the people around me!
    Anyway, I hope to be a contributing member of the group again.  So, don't be surprised if you see my name pop up now and then, lol.
    Warm hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn, CA

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