I will add my two cents, as I've done some research on this particular
debate. I am a Roman Catholic, yet I am pro-choice, so I'll get that
out there right away.

When you compared someone being on life support in a vegetative state
to the harvesting of frozen embryos that will be destroyed anyway, I
couldn't help but think about a little program called organ donation
that everyone in the country has the option of signing up for.  Just
as any individual can sign off on their own body, the parents of these
embryos have the choice (at least in some parts of the country) to
donate the unused embryos to research.

I'm not going to get on the moral pulpit and try and preach how my
values are different from yours, but I will note that the majority of
the country (60% according to the NY Times) does not agree with Bush's
decision on this and yet we can't get government funding for this.  In
the same light, a majority of the country doesn't agree with the war,
yet our tax dollars are going to a cause that most of the country
doesn't believe we should be involved in and a cause in which
thousands of American troops have died.

I truly believe our leader's morals and judgement are skewed by the
socio-political and economical scheme that has become the "democratic"
nature of this country.  Now, I'm not saying that it is necessarily
"right" or "wrong" to use the embryonic stem cells, but they have the
most versitility out of any of the other available versions.  I know
from my own experience that if this sacrifice of moral values could
possibly end the suffering and heartache for millions of not only
Americans but also people all over the world, then it might just be
worth swallowing our pride for once.

That being said, and refering to Bobby's email, the research will go
on, just not with government tax dollars, and not necessarily to the
extent that it would if the government supported it.  Personally, if I
had to make a moral judgement, I would rather see my tax dollars go
toward this type of stem cell research then see it go towards a war
that this country doesn't even support.

Sorry for the long post, I'm a little sensitive on this debate.


7/21/06, grace53a <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hello Barbara,

I too am proud of Bush at this moment, and yes, I agree with Jim's most
eloquent post.  Considering the nature of my disease, my prognosis, and the
likely outcome, it may come as a surprise to some---yet, it is, and has
always been a deep conviction of mine, that embryos should not be used
whenever so many other viable methods of harvesting stem cells are

Grace (Staunch Methodist and proud of it.)

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