My thoughts, more for the unborn child of donor sperm or ova.  How cruel to never ever know your family, the history. How unfortunate (at the very least) to marry one's sibling.
It seems criminal to me that the unborn child and it's future never seems to enter the equation in any sort of decision about sperm, ova, we need a child to save our marriage etc. etc. etc.
I suppose all of us have our "soapbox" issue. The rights, the care, the safety of children born or unborn is mine.
hugs to all, may the debates ever continue,

IVF uses ova from the woman, sometimes frozen for storage, and sperm from a man,  sometimes frozen for storage.  They are warmed, mixed and put into a waiting uterus.

What about unused ova?

What about unused sperm?

Throw them away???

Sell them???

Give them to researchers??

AND what about the ova that are shed each month from puberty till menopause- except when pregnant or on birth control???

AND what about the sperm that are left on the sheets, or in the Condominium, wrong... Condum??

Every sperm is sacred, just as the ova are!!!

my thoughts,


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