Barbara - thank you!  A friend of mine just emailed this to me also. I have never heard of this type of breast cancer and have forwarded the message to all of the ladies I know. I had my first breast tumor (not cyst) at age 20 and have had too many to even count over the years - thankfully all benign. (still get them and I am now almost 56!)
Linda in Eagle, ID
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 2:51 PM
Subject: [TMIC] OT: something we need to pass along

I  typically do not send forwarded messages to many of you, but this looked important enough for me to send.  I know that some of you have personally survived breast cancer, and I hope you know that I am thinking of you as I send this to the ladies on the list.  
Barbara A in Auburn, CA

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