Today was long-time TMIC member Karyne Jenke's birthday, and after I sent her a brirthday greeting, I was stunned to receive a reply from her husband, Rod, that she had passed away last April. I am copying Rod's comments below as they contain a message for you all.
Karyne was always a sweet, bright presence on the list, and she will be greatly, greatly missed.
Barbara H.
In a message dated 8/19/2006 3:10:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hi, I am Karyne’s husband, Rod. I know I should have let every one on the TM list know earlier but Karyne passed away on the 23rd April unexpectedly whilst in hospital having a blood transfusion. At this stage the official cause of death is still unknown but we have been told it was a hemorrhage to her brain stalk.

Please pass on to all on the list that everyone over the years, whether they emailed Karyne personally or not, were a great inspiration to her and gave her the courage to realize that having TM (in it’s various forms) was not the end of life but just another hurdle to overcome, which she did on many occasions.

My comfort is that she no longer has these hurdles.

Best wishes and thanks to everyone.

Love Rod & Tyler Jenke


South Australia.


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