we have vonage and we pay $24.for unlimied everything!  :P

I know this is going to sound like a solicitation, and in a way it is, but please read below.  I may be able to save many of you some money on your phone bills, and I don't think any of us would mind doing that.
My next door neighbor came over and asked me about my phone service.  Was I happy with customer service, and did I think I spent too much money for it.  Well, I almost always think I spend too much money for what I get, and wasn't crazy about the service, but didn't know that I had a choice in this respect since AT+T is all that I can get in my area.
Anyway, she told me about ACN, and how she just got involved in it.  Of course I was willing to change my phone service once she told me that I could get more services, have better customer service, and save a little money too. 
Phone service is offered in most locations throughout the U.S. and in many other countries.  There are different plans available, local, long distance, unlimited with local and long distance, and they have the VOIP (which you need high speed in order to have).  With the VOIP you can get a video phone too!  I personally took the unlimited that includes local and long distance and get 10 custom calling features, like call waiting, caller ID, call waiting caller ID, 3 way calling, call forwarding, etc.  It also includes in-house wiring, free.  There is no charge for changing companies, keep same phone #, they use same phone lines, and if your company charges you to switch, they'll refund the charge to you. No commitment, if not happy, you can switch at any time.
Now, here's the cool part.  ACN doesn't do any real advertising, only word of mouth, person to person.  If you refer a friend, family member, etc. who starts up the service by the end of the year, you will get a credit on your account, just for them giving your name as the referral to the company.  It's a great way to say "thank you", and for you to feel good about spreading the word about the phone service.
Once we finished the conversation, I thought that it just may be something for us to get involved with since I need a reason to get functioning on a regular basis again, and not in the way of housework!  I'll be helping my husband, since I don't think I can do it by myself, but there looks like a lot of opportunity for some extra retirement money for us.  Pete's retiring in April.
If anyone is interested in getting information, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I'd love to be able to help you change your service, and hopefully, save you some money in the process.
Warm hugs to all, Barbara A in Auburn, CA

Krissy Zodda
Tri State Support Group Leader
~I'm In pretty Good Shape
For the Shape I am in~

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