Memory Problems........Wow, one of my biggest  complaints with this TM
thing. I first addressed this group 1/99 about this problem and it
continues to really bother me. That along with cognitive problems. 

Finally, in May of this year I sent an e-mail to Molly K (don't remember
her last name) at Johns Hopkins TM center, inquiring about TM and
memory. I received a reply from her stating that Dr. Kaplan and Dr. Kerr
are very aware of this issue and are doing research relating to this.
She referred me to the attached article, paragraph #7. She also
mentioned a protein  IL-6 as being implicated with these problems. 

I asked about any medications that can help with this. She mentioned 2
that Dr. Kerr SOMETIMES prescribes. One is aricept & I don't remember
the other. I asked my neuro about this drug and he said "No, not at this

I have never been on any TM meds except Prednisone, at the onset. I know
that for me, it is not meds causing these problems.

So, apparently there is a  true connection between TM and memory and
cognitive problems. Let's hope Drs. Kerr and Kaplan and all the others
can find something to help us.

This memory thing drives me nutty......and can be very embarrassing!!!!!

Mary W   
Auburn Ca

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