Hi Anne:

I understand your problem.  I am "fortunate" to have my SSDI as well as a retirement check each month from my employer.  If I didn't have that additional income I would qualify for all kinds of help and services.  But since I am so lucky I get to pay high co-pays and I have to do without some of my meds.  Aren't we the lucky folks?  lol 

I used to work in social services for the State of Arizona and I'm going to give you more stuff than you ever wanted and things I'm sure you've already tried.  I do have two other resources that might help you but I need to find the addresses for them.  I'll get that and send then later today.  I'm so sorry you are going through this. 

Here in Arizona we have services available through our state social services office.  It's for people who are disabled and trying to stay out of a nursing home.  They have a different income standard than all other services here in Arizona and I would qualify for that one.  They have housekeeping services as well as nursing services.  Have you checked with your social services office (welfare, food stamps, health department)?   What about a state disability office?  Have you looked at this site:
The North Carolina Office on Disability and Health (you can get a list of staff to contact)   http://www.fpg.unc.edu/~ncodh/index.cfm

We also have a strong ABIL office (A Bridge to Independent Living).  Do you have that in your state?  It depends on the state but here in Arizona they will install safety equipment, ramps, and provide or help you find all kinds of services.  Here's the webpage link for the national org:

National Council on Independent Living   http://www.ncil.org/
To find out the contact information for the Statewide
Independent Living Council (SILC) in your state, contact:

Independent Living Research Utilization Project
The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research
2323 South Sheppard, Suite 1000
Houston, TX 77019
(713) 520-0232 (V); (713) 520-5136 (TTY)
Web: www.ilru.org

North Carolina State Resources   http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/nc.htm
from that site I saw this:
Protection and Advocacy Agency
Allison Breedlove, Interim Executive Director
Governor’s Advocacy Council for Persons with Disabilities
1314 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1314
(919) 733-9250; (800) 821-6922 (in NC)
Web: www.gacpd.com

You also might try:     http://www.eldercare-solutions.com/



Sharon --from Arizona TM 1997 to MS 1998
It's not easy taking my problems one at a time when they refuse to get in line.  ~Ashleigh Brilliant

----- Original Message ----
From: Anne Shreve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 10:26:42 PM
Subject: [TMIC] Looking for answers

Hi everyone, I just wanted to try to explain my current situation and see if any of you have any advice. I was covered under medicare and medicaid, and had been for about 7 years. My husband passed away suddenly in Dec. 2001 and at that time I started receiving a survivor benefit check along with the disability check. I had to meet an 816.00 deductible each month because of the increase in income. However, that was going along just fine because when my meds., supplies, and the one-day salary of my CNA was totalled, I more than met my decuctible. I should include that the ded. had to be met on the first working day of each month. Then the Medicare D program came along and took over paying for my meds. I have to pay a co-pay on two meds. and the other two are not covered at all. But the main setback was that In January when Medicare D took over paying a very large part of my meds each month, (remember my meds. were helping me meet that deductible each month), I was told that if I kept medicaid, I would have to pay my CNA's salary out of my pocket until I had paid that 816.00 ded. So I was left with no choice. I was forced to give up my medicaid and lost my CNA. We had been together for a little over 6  years and she is one of my dearest friends. I have been unable to walk even one step for over 6 yrs. now. I am living alone in a handicapped apartment and to be quite honest, I don't know how much longer I am going to be able to stay alone. My son and daughter come by and call as often as they can to see if I need anything, but my daughter works full time and has a family of 4 to take care of herself, and my son is going to college full time so his life is busy too. I have applied for any and all kinds of "extra" help. I even filled out an application from the Social Security Office to get assistance with paying my medicare premiums each month. But I got a letter back from them saying my income was too high. My disability check use to be $748 but when they started taking the medicare premium out in Jan. it reduced in the amount of 88.00. So now I get $660 on the 3rd of each month and I get the survivor benefit check which is $403 on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. The last place I want to end up is in a nursing home, but I'm not so sure how much of a choice I will soon have. Oh, by the way, I have hand-written and e-mailed my senators, the Governor's office and the Office of Legislation, all with no reply. I feel as if I am being punished because my husband passed away. Something about all this just "ain't" right. I know it was lengthy, but thanks so much for taking the time to read it, whether you have any advice or not. I think I'm a little scared of what my future holds. Not a good feeling. Love Ya All.  Anne Shreve, Eden, North Carolina. God Bless You All

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