If I could I would take umbrage but Jude has already taken it apparently, so,since it's not available, I won't.
PHranque, oops, forgot the silent 3, I know very well it was tongue in cheek, sadly though, I have found it to be oh so true, as you also know.
Trev comes with me these days only because I don't drive anymore, so, he has no choice, neither do I.
I don't bother with specialists any more though, I just visit my gp for prescriptions.  Since I have been going to him for over 20 years, he knows me very well and knows I would rather he said, "well, what do you want me to do?"  than to pretend.
for quality handcrafted costume jewellery
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: Brain stuff or not

> You should tread lightly F.
> Patti
> > Your problem is that you're a female.
> >
> > Most doctors know that any symptoms reported by women are due to neurosis, symptoms reported by men are secondary to some disease process.
> > F

Patti and the many others who have e-mailed me,

My e-mail was written tongue in cheek- a joke even?

But there was a study done in the 1970's that showed that women complaining of chest pain to male physicians were more likely NOT to have as thorough lab/ekg/echocardiograms/etc than men of the same age.


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