Hi Janet,
Welcome to the TMIC!
It's not the usual course for TM to be recur. If one does have another attack, the doctors check for MS. But, though it is rare, there is such a thing as recurrent TM -- when one has subsequent attacks but the markers for MS don't show up on the tests.
That said, the best advice I got was to not focus on the chance that it might happen, but on the likelihood that it won't. I lived in fear for a long while of a second attack -- it's really no way to live. Symptoms did flare up from time to time (and still do, now 11 years later, though not as flagrantly as at first), and slowly I got into the frame of mind of riding the wave of the current flare-up without panicking that it was another attack. I called my neuro often the first several months and was reassured that I wasn't having another attack -- the flare-ups never did get to the level they were with the first attack.
Barbara H.
In a message dated 9/30/2006 11:28:12 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:



I am just wondering if anyone has had another episode of TM after the original one?  Mine has remained relatively stable for a year now, and I am just wondering if this will be the way it is now, or if it can flare up and be debilitating again.


Being fairly new to the list, I am not sure if this has been covered before, my apologies if it has.






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