I have the same problem + catherization - no feeling.  I pay close attention to odour, colour & pressure above the pelvic bone.  Any change is my signal to see my dr.
Diane in Canada who just got over still another UTI.

Linda wrote:

I've been reading all the post's concerning UTI and the bladder, etc.
My question is.....(and this may be a really DUMB one) How do you know if you have UTI if you can not feel, do not feel normal from the waist down?
What I mean is, I have feeling, I can walk, but when it comes to FEELING, I do not have it....(such as relations with my husband), etc....I am almost at my 4 year mark, I was completely paralyzed from the waist down, I have come a long way, but I do have a neurogenic bladder, I am on detrol, and I try to go to the bathroom every 2 hours and I have been told to double void. Would I be able to have the sensations that goes along with UTI, such as burning? I don't think I have this, but sometimes the stream is so little, I know that I am not emptying completely.
Linda Garrett

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