Hi Carol,  After having my "attack" one year ago I was in the hospital for 2 weeks before I went on to acute rehab, sub acute rehab, outpatient rehab, etc.   Anyhow when in hospital the entire staff of neuros couldnt really come up with a diagnosis but one dr. suggested a spinal angiogram.   My chief neuro greatly warned against it.  He didnt want anything so invasive because what they are looking for (I forget what its called) is found mostly in men and he didnt think the MRIs indicated that that is what I might have.  So I opted out.  He wanted me to get out of the hospital and get into rehab.  So here I am a year later doing much better but still not walking.   I may try the Cleveland Clinic when I  get down to Florida and see what they have to say.   Stay good.  Rosalie

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