Welcome to any newbies out there!
I'm sitting here reading the recent emails regarding sudden onset of TM, 
possible infarctions vs lesions, driving with hand controls, deciding on what 
wheel chail is best, or what van gives the best access and it all helps me feel 
a little better.  Thanks for letting me be a part of this outstanding family of 
people who both give and glean information.  

I have my annual clinical appointment with my neuro tomorrow and I'm sitting 
here in pain.  Much more pain than I had as TM hit.  Looking back, my first 
pain was in my bottom end while sitting at work and I changed my office chair 
twice.  I then had trouble counting money during an audit.  The day of the 
final hit the pain was in my arms, shoulders and mid back.  It took about 8 
hours before my foot was affected. A lesion is visable at c4-c6 on my Cervical 

I'm taking the info that I have gathered from this group regarding pain.  Let's 
see, Lyrica, marinol, Frank's infusion, etc.  Darn it hurts!  So thanks for 
being here when I need you.  (Any last minute advice or info?)

Patti - Michigan   

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