As Bob Cook said, when some of us first come on to the TM site, we are looking for answers.   I had been lurking for a while before I submitted my first question years back, (OK, what 6 years now??)  Anyway, you oldies will definitely remember Tom, Big Tom, who could be a smart ars.  Well, he slammed me down with one of my first emails about herbs, milk thistle, in particularly.  I was appalled at how he made me feel like a moron.   The truth is, my theory about milk thistle was right and I stand by it.   But, that isn't the point.  It's just that HE made me feel like an idiot and I didn't belong and I almost unsubscribed.  But, I found out I did belong, and  EVERYBODY BELONGS!!!    I don't write much these daze, (very busy with work/home/family), but my heart is with all of you that have been kind to me and Terry over the years and we are like old family regardless of what we talk about.  Idle chatter is necessary in everyday life.  Doesn't it sometimes help to keep us sane?


Since I am now chatting, I'll update you on a couple of things.    Terry has to have both shoulders replaced due to the osteonecrosis.  He DOES NOT have it in his hips, as one Ortho had thought.   He had surgery on both shoulders last year and they obviously haven't held up well thanks to the continued prednisone treatment.  His first replacement is on the 23rd and he'll stay in the hospital a few days.  The Doc has ordered a hospital bed, lift and nursing care, (yes, if Medicare will allow...), and 6 weeks of not using that arm in the least.   But, he's looking forward to it as it always pops out of place and is chronically painful.  We have to see how his recovery is on this one before we schedule the next.  But, we are very optimistic!   He's fantastic, otherwise, lost weight, happy and handsome!!


So, this weekend will be our last travels for a bit.  We are driving to June Lake in the Sierras for a 2 night stay and we’ll fish, take plenty of autumn photos, eat, drink and, and and.......  And then on to Yosemite for a night at The Ahwahnee Hotel.  It's a magnificent trip and for those of you that haven't been to the Sierras, it is a wonderland of beauty!  I'll take requests on sending you photos.  You know how I like to share my pictures!  Baby pictures, anyone???   The babies are fantastic, incidentally.  Love them so very much!


While I am writing this novel, I would like to comment on some of the topics of late:


 PAM - WRITE IN CAP ALL YOU LIKE!   It's easier on some people.  At least she is writing and sharing!


ALTON - Your shoulders and driving – sounds like surgery - it's awful, isn't it?   Terry slides into the car, I put in his manual wheelchair and he must use a hand brake because his foot doesn't know how to move over to the brake, like some of you mentioned.   I am so glad, tho, to hear your grandson is doing well!  Bless you!


JUDE - You have NEVER been a beetch!  Not to me, at least!


VICKI - I hope things are going better...






And to the rest of you that may still be reading this long email - miss you all and hope you and yours are doing well.    I have a couple of issue, but very minor and ain't gonna complain! 


xoxo Sandy Parker

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