I weaned myself off the neurontin because of the fatigue. I couldn't take it anymore. I'd rather feel the pain. I did it over a period of 2 weeks and didn't have any problem. I don't know if I'm going to try the Lyrica.
I have lesions on both sides of my spinal cord so I have one side that is very painful and paralyzed from the chest down. the left leg is much better than the right, I have movement, but it still tingles all the time and stabs frequently.
I will endure for as long as I can.
I feel so much more alert w/o the drugs. I only take the neurontin and baclofen at night now. I think each person's make up is so different and since we all have different outcomes, I guess it's no surprise that we all have different experiences going on and off these drugs!
:) Go Tigers!
Deb C. in frosty MI.

--- On Wed 10/18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 16:47:56 -0400
Subject: [TMIC] Weaning off Neurontin

> My doctor also, told me to stop neurontin and start lyrica.
> The headaches where so bad for five days, I didn't think I could stand it.

Todd, et al,

Neurontin is an anti-epileptic. If you don't wean off it, you are likely to have epileptic seizures- not guaranteed, but do you want to take chances. In many states, if you have a seizure- for any reason- yo! u lose your right to operate any highway motor vehicle for 6 months.

Many doctors know little about neurontin, other than the Pfizer representative bought him drinks, wine and a fabulous dinner, during which she squeezed his thigh and told him to prescribe lots of Neurontin so he could go to Mexico with her-- wink, wink

Now you know why your headaches were so bad.

If the doctor doesn't give you a schedule for weaning, ask your pharmacyst, and find a doctor who gets their info from journals, and not from a knee-pad carrying pharm. rep..

Good Luck


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