Title: AOL Email
Hi Margaret,
Thanks for the lovely revealing email about yourself.  I have never heard such a positive point of view from someone living with the residual effects of TM. 
You are right, it sounds like you have a fairly "light" case of TM, but it also sounds like you have been through the mill like the rest of us, and are paying your dues every day.  But, the way you persevere is admirable and I wish I had one minute of your strength and commitment to make the most of each and every day.
You never know when you are going to have an effect on someone.  In your short email I have found a bit more will to carry on, regardless that I live every day in never ending pain in a hospital bed and wheelchair. 
And yet, there are many people who are much worse than I.  I hope and pray that they are finding the same strength in your words.  We are extraordinarily lucky to have you in our midst and hope that you hang around for a while. 
Welcome to our support group.  We are mostly human...we try to keep positive attitudes, but it's more difficult for some and your addition to the group will, I think, be a fine and happy experience for us all, especially those with a special need for the words of someone like you.
I hope and pray that on the days that you are in need, we are here for you.  It's the sense of humor of this unusual group that keeps us going, and the intellect of all keeps us sane.
Peace and Prayers,

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