Heather & Cindy,

It sure feels a lot like Canada around here! We are waiting for round 3 of a major ice storm. So far we only have about a inch of ice but there is more coming. We are just praying we can keep our electric going. One of the TV news stations just reported 92,000 homes without electricity and the worst part of the storm is to hit us today. If you want to see some pictures you can go to Kfor.com or KXII.com and click on the appropriate spot. Brrrrrrrrrrr 

 Actually I've had TM for 32 years this past Sept.  I first got sick back in 1974. I think my story is #307 in the members stories at the TMIC web page. I found this group eight years ago, it has really been a God send to me. I felt so alone for so many years. I remember reading the members stories and tears just welled up. I finally found my family, people who really understood what I had been going through. And I have learned more about TM than most of my doctors ever knew. My family doctor called my a couple of years ago asking questions about TM because he has a new patient that had recently been dx with tm. She was later dx with MS. I was able to link my doctor to Dr. Kerr though.

We have 8 german shepard/border collie/neighbors mix puppies. They are a week old today and just doing great. My grand daughter is one year old and she is just amazed with them.  So,,,,, do you want one? I could figure some way to get one up that way.........hehehe

Larry in oklahoma where it is cooooooold and icy

Wow Cindy, 64 years! He may be one of our longest survivors. I hope I'm lucky enough to share that milestone with him! Is he walking? I would love to hear his story. Where in SoCal are you? I lived in New Port Beach back in the late 80's I sure do miss the weather 

Larry Throne, MSW

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