
The infusions consist of infusing 4 mg. per Kg. of body weight mixed in normal 
saline, over 30 to 40 minutes.  This is an out patient proceedure.

My first was in Montreal.

The first infusion took 24 hours to work. I didn't feel anything unusual, but 
felt that my usual meds "worked better."  This increased effectiveness lasted 
about three weeks.

Then it took two to three weeks to get in for my second infusion, mainly 
because I was in Maine, switching primary care doctors- my old one had retired. 
 This infusion seemed to last about six weeks, but ended in the holiday season 
(lots of stress).

My last infusion seemed to last only a day or two, but I was under lots of 
stress.  I hope to have a fourth this week.

They definitely help.

I'd recommend them for anyone who hasn't any CVS disease


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