Hi Trudy,
  Sorry to hear you might have MS.  I don't know anything about your Dr. but I 
know from experince that the Doc's at Hopkins are really good with the TM/MS 
dx.  I would tend to believe them.  
  Don't leave the list...it's still a great place for information and support 
whether you have TM or MS...Have a great day!

  This year I hope for a real breakthrough in all medical fields.... I just 
want to thank all of you on this list for always "being" there for anyone and 
everyone! It's been a busy time... all four of my "adult" children were home 
for Christmas and I don't start work again till Tuesday so we've been doing 
some travelling. I have kept up with the list tho not much to add or share. The 
week before Christmas my Neuro decided that I probably have MS and should begin 
daily shots! Actually, I guess you could call it an "insurance" shot against 
the chance that I might have MS. Tho Dr. Pardo at Johns Hopkins insists it's 
TM.....   The pain certainly hasn't lessened, in fact it's increased. My 
nightly glass of "Shiraz" doesnt' seem to help like it used to :)   I just 
wanted to chime in during this "slow"tiime... to wish you all the very, very 
best this New Year!.. Peace, Shalom and Blessings to you and your families. 
Also, someone on the list asked for any old Jewelry we didnt' want
 anymore. I have some and would love to send it on to someone who could use it. 
So please get in touch with me...  So what should I do... go to an MS list or 
stay here you "fun" people???? 

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its 
It empties today of its strengths.   

Don't pick lemons.
See all the new 2007 cars at Yahoo! Autos.

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