Hi Sally,

It seems like the term banding is used for the chest area.  Here is a quetion 
and answer from the Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada website.  

Question: Are there any new drugs that would help severe chest banding? I have 
tried Baclofen and I am taking Gabapentin but as yet have no relief ever from 

Answer:  Banding is the sensation of a tight band around the chest. Although it 
can feel like tight muscles, it is usually due to inflammation/demyelination of 
a segment of the spinal cord. This results in "miss-messaging" and is 
interpreted as tightness when nothing is actually tight. Thus muscle relaxants 
don't work well, but drugs such as gabapentin , carbamazapine, or amitriptyline 
which alter nerve transmission can be helpful. 

Gabapentin must be tried up to doses of 3,600 mg per day in divided doses. If 
this did not work then the next choice would be amitriptyline starting at 10mg 
and increasing to 30-50 mg , usually at bedtime. 

I couldn't see the date the question and answer was posted so there may be more 
treatments available (if one can take them, that is).  The person answering is 
a doctor, however, there is also a disclaimer from the MS Society of Canada at 
the bottom of the page re always consulting a physician for medical advice.

Re: magnesium, my family doctor recommended it for the bad muscle cramps I was 
having in my legs.  If I try to do certain exercises with my right leg, my left 
leg goes into horrible cramps.  I must have a lot of mis-wiring!  The cramping 
has lessened although it has not gone completely.



  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Cc: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 4:09 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Re: banding

  "Spasticity is a condition in which certain muscles are continuously 
contracted. This contraction causes stiffness or tightness of the muscles . . 

  Thanks for your response, Louise.  That's how I understood spasticity.  So 
what I feel in my legs, ankles, feet is definitely spasticity.  From a logical 
standpoint, it seems that extra magnesium might help relax the 'contracting', 
but it doesn't seem to - at least not on an immediate basis - but maybe over 

  The remaining question is whether or not what we think of as banding that 
occurs on the trunk area is essentially the same thing - i.e. caused from 
continuously contracted muscles.


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