> [Original Message]
> Date: 2/12/2007 4:05:40 PM
> Subject: FDA - MedWatch - Ketek (telithromycin) Changes to Prescribing
information that Include the Removal of Two Previously Approved
Indications, a BOXED WARNING, and a Patient Medication Guide
> MedWatch - The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program
> FDA and Sanofi-Aventis notified healthcare professionals of revisions to
> the prescribing information, including a BOXED WARNING and a new Patient
> Medication Guide, for the antibiotic Ketek. Two of the three previously
> approved indications, acute bacterial sinusitis and acute bacterial
> exacerbations of chronic bronchitis, were removed from the prescribing
> information because the balance of benefits and risks no longer support
> approval of the drug for these indications. Ketek will remain on the
> market for the treatment of community acquired pneumonia of mild to
> moderate severity. In addition, warnings were strengthened for
> hepatotoxicity (liver injury), loss of consciousness, and visual
> disturbances. The BOXED WARNING states that Ketek is contraindicated in
> patients with myasthenia gravis. The Patient Medication Guide, which
> must be distributed to all patients, informs them about the risks of the
> drug and how to use it safely. 
> Read the complete MedWatch 2007 Safety summary, including links to the
> FDA Press Release and Drug Information Page and the Manufacturer's
> revised prescribing information and Medication Guide for Ketek regarding
> this issue at:
> http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/safety/2007/safety07.htm#Ketek
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