Hi Folks,
A while back I asked this question/request and I got a few responses, but then lost the list of people who said they could help. So I am reposting it today after being reminded of it by Trudy. It is about old broken or unwanted jewelry that I can use to create my own style of stuff. Any type of jewelry is okay with me. Broken old jewelry, stuff that someone doesn't want anymore, even stuff like Mardi Gras beads will work. I use it mostly as a distraction to get my mind into creating something instead of being stuck in the pain. And I actually create some really nice things I am told. I have used stuff I made for gifts that people wear daily; and someone told me I could actually make a little money if I could get it to a local flea market. And I also can repair to a degree broken watches, so they are welcome also. So if you want to check and see if you have anything it will be appreciated greatly, and please ask around to your friends or family and see what you can come up with. I have tapped out everyone I know of all of their unwanted items..... Anything and everything will be welcome and used in one way or the other!
Thanks again, and to all those whom you might get to donate.
Blessings and Peace,

fn:" If you help only one soul to find itself, if you comfort only one mourner, if you heal only one sick person, then the whole of your earthly life is justified. How privileged you are to be aware of the tremendous power that is around and about you, that enfolds you, guards you, directs you and ensures that you will continue to unfold your latent divinity and the gifts which are your cherished possession."
n:;" If you help only one soul to find itself, if you comfort only one mourner, if you heal only one sick person, then the whole of your earthly life is justified. How privileged you are to be aware of the tremendous power that is around and about you, that enfolds you, guards you, directs you and ensures that you will continue to unfold your latent divinity and the gifts which are your cherished possession."
adr;dom:Apt. #203;;1941 Gaston Place Drive;Austin;Texas;78723
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Thomas Jefferson said it best,------"Those that trade freedom for security deserve neither freedom nor security"............

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