Larry, I'm not sure why but I'm getting duplicate messages from you and Jude.  
It has also occured with several others on the list.  Maybe because of 
individual names
plus the tmic-list?

Is Allen in this group?  I do think we need a spoke person.  We are such an 
"elite" group and I sometimes I get very upset explaining exactly what is wrong 
with me.  If I'm sitting or standing, I appear to be very "normal" it's only 
when I move, walk or have spasms that gives my condition away.  

Heck, me and my family have had all kinds of medical conditions but not once in 
57 years did I hear of Transverse Myelitis or that it could be associated with 
infections or immune disease until Jan. 10, 2006 when I was diagnosed.  I had 
heard of MS, Lupus, and colitis but never that any of these could or would be 
associated with TM. 

Candy K.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Larry Throne 
Sent: 3/18/2007 10:31:07 AM 
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Allen Rucker in OKC, OK

I think Allen just wanted to tell part of his story, not the whole thing at the 
time of writing the book. When he spoke at the book store he did breach much 
more of other aspects of being disabled. Who knows, If we all respond to him he 
might consider what you have suggested. I think that would be a great idea.

Larry Throne, MSW

From: "Candis Kalley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jan Hargrove" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Larry Throne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
"tmic-list" <>
Subject: RE: [TMIC] Allen Rucker in OKC, OK
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 10:22:24 -0400

I read Allen Rucker's book "The Best Seat in the House".  It was OK as far as I 
was concerned but did not really deal with real TM issues such as not being 
able to work because of physical limitations most of us face.  Allen was able 
to continue with work even in a wheel chair but I can't work due to all four 
limbs affected plus the issue of no stamia - needing to sleep every few hours, 
falling when least expected, needing to fix things around the house but need to 
spend money to get it done, finding ways to do simple things.  

I believe that if Allen is really interested in spreading the word about TM, 
then let him write another book in which he actually interviews some of us that 
also have TM and details the challanges that we face just to do daily living - 
especially some of us that do not have a spouse or family member available to 
help 24/7.

Just my thoughts but I was disappointed in the book because as far as I'm 
concerned it just touched on the physcial and mental challenges we face.

Candy K. 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jan Hargrove 
To: Larry Throne;tmic-list
Sent: 3/18/2007 10:01:27 AM 
Subject: [TMIC] Allen Rucker in OKC, OK


Sorry I didn't get to OKC when Allen Rucker was there so we could all meet face 
to face............but, I was able to order his book online at Barnes and
far I've not had time to get into it, but in this week's PEOPLE magazine one 
told that this was the book they were currently reading and had high praise for 

Look's like we're in for a beautiful day!  I just hope they're right as they 
are predicting 
mucho rain this week, which we DEFINITELY NEED!!! up here........

Later, janh

Allen Rucker, the gentleman who the book about his own bout with TM called "The 
Best Seat In The House: How I Woke Up One Tuesday and Was Paralyzed For Life." 
He is touring the country promoting the book and will be in Oklahoma City on 
Saturday, March 3rd (3 pm) at a bookstore called Full Circle. I am planning on 
going up there to meet him and would like to invite any of you who might be in 
the area and can make it to come on up. I hope to be there shortly after 
3:00pm. Hope to see you there. The store is called FULL CIRCLE Bookstore, 50 
Penn Square, OKC, The store number is 405-842-1840.

Larry in Oklahoma who could bring an extra puppy if someone wanted me too. I 
only have a few left!

Larry Throne, MSW

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