I like your idea of approaching Allen to write a follow-up book.  I haven't 
read the book yet.  I requested that my library order it - we'll see if they 
can get it.  
I'm a little disappointed to hear that he doesn't deal with all the issues.  
Perhaps he DOESN'T live alone, and so doesn't have to face some of the issues 
that some of us who live alone, do.  (I don't know.)  If he's able to write and 
sell a book, that certainly must help him at least a little, to deal with 
financial challenges.  I'm happy for him for that!  But I'm sure he has many 
other problems that I don't have, since I'm at least ambulatory.  Which is why 
the suggestions to interview others, and include some of the various things 
different people have to deal with, is a good idea.
I'm able to walk - increasingly better all the time.  But I still deal with 
excessive fatigue, etc, that is still making me too dysfunctional on too many 
days, to be able to go back to work yet.  And it's getting close to 2 years 
now.  Living alone and having no income is a pretty major issue!  That's to say 
nothing of taking care of everything that needs to be done, physically.
Please share with us if you come up with a 'group suggestion' - like where we 
might be able to email him, etc.

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