Dear Susan,   Wow, its been a  long time.   I have been in Fla. for the 
winter.   My core  muscles couldnt get any stronger.  I have a personal trainer 
twice a week  in my fitness center and I go to aquatic therapy twice a week 
Being in  the water is the absolute best.  I walk backand forth holding on to 
a  floatationdevice that looks like a barbell. And do other various execises.  
 The water is very easy on your joints.
     I walk as  much as I can with the walker but still cannot stand on my 
own.  But still  I am getting stronger and can stand if  I lean one leg against 
something.   My core is OK its my glutes and hamstrings that are  almost gone 
except for my right glute which seems to be firing a bit.  I  have a power 
chair now and an accessible van and I get around on my own.  I  can drive with 
my leg so that is great because even though I learned to use hand  controls I 
hate them and find it unnecessary.
    I now have a new  shoe wardrobe.  You cannot believe how many fancy type 
sneakers there are  out there.  I particularly like the skechers which have 
one strap going  across (like Mary Janes).  My old shoes with high heels are 
long  gone.
    Have seen 2 more  neuros in Fla.  Same conclusion.  Probably TM or maybe 
a spinal cord  stroke.  Doesnt matter what the dx is, same results - injury to 
the spinal  cord.
    Hope you are  doing well and are getting around.  Keep in touch andlet me 
know whats  going on with you.
    Stay well,   Rosalie - now in Fla. but soon going up to NY for Passover - 
then back to Fla  and up to NY in May for the summer.

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