Jude, I think those reasons are all reasons why people don't  like things 
forwarded to the TMIC (another reason is the fact that most of those  e-mail 
forwards have been going around for years and many of us have seen most  of 
dozens of times already.) I think most people don't forward things to  the TMIC 
much any more except by accident or if they are new.
Away from the TMIC, I only forward things that I think are  particularly good 
to people who I know like to receive them; I usually copy and  paste instead 
of just hitting forward so the whole list of people's addresses  isn't' 
forwarded on. I always check any story with snopes.com before sending to  make 
it is not a falsehood. I never send "sign this petition" e-mails  because 
those just keep going around in cyberspace and never get anywhere -- if  I am 
concerned about an issue I'll write my congressman or the company involved  
directly. I do not forward anything that refers to luck or something good  
if you forward it or bad happening if you don't. I don't send back to  the 
sender what they've forwarded to me -- I think the "if you receive this back  
you have a lot of friends" types of forwards are kinda pathetic. 
When receiving forwards I most often regard it as well-meaning  on the part 
of the sender. I'll ask them to stop or take me off their list if  they send 
something with off-color jokes or something anti-Christian, etc.  Otherwise I 
just read it and delete.
I don't usually click on hyperlinks in e-mails any more  because that ploy is 
often used as a "phishing" device -- you click on the link  and it takes you 
to a place where your information is gathered. If you buy or  sell through 
ebay or use Paypal, NEVER click on links in e-mails telling you  that there is 
problem or your account has been suspended. That's a phishing  ploy to take 
you to a false site to enter your information, credit card numbers,  etc., in 
someone else can use it. If you get an e-mail like that always close  it and 
then go to the ebay or Paypal sites and log in as usual and check your  
account to see if there is a problem rather than clicking on a link in an  
Barbara H.
_http://barbarah.wordpress.com/_ (http://barbarah.wordpress.com/) 
In a message dated 4/29/2007 10:39:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

You know, since receiving the email with  recommendations from ME, I have 
done a lot of thinking about our etiquette  with regard to forwarding email 
large groups of people to  others.
There really is a risk for contamination  involved when doing that, We risk 
our own email status as well as that of our  friends and coworkers.
I know that while I have almost quit  forwarding email altogether, I am not 
nearly leery enough, nor do I go far  enough to make sure that my friends and 
relatives email addresses are  protected from Internet predators.
I will from now on, promise to "copy and  paste" information when passing it 
along to others.  And, quite  frankly, upon polling my friends and such, while 
we all enjoy a pleasant  "thinking of you" or "get better" or "Happy 
Birthday"  card when  relevant, none of us likes more than one or two forwards 
the same person  in any given day.  I have had to write emails actually asking 
people to  not send so many silly cards and post cards that take up so much of 
my time  and can clog my PO Box so that I miss more pertinent mail.
How do those of you out there in TMIC land  feel about this subject?  And, 
what if anything ought we do about each  one of us taking our part in changing, 
if necessary, in the  future?
Or, should I simply be more thankful for  getting any and all of the email 
that I do get and Thank the Lord that there  are people who think of me at all?
There are two ways to look at  this.


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