Again, this is a delayed response, but I just emailed a response regarding 
checking out CANDIDASIS in regards to the skin rash.  Your email, stating that 
it can be treated by Monistat indicates even more so that it's likely related 
to candidiasis, since Monistat is made to treat vaginal yeast infection which 
IS caused by CANDIDA!
I realize I probably sound like a nut, harping on this, but I've just read 4 or 
5 books on the condition, all but one of them written by medical doctors.  
Obviously, reading books doesn't make me any kind of an expert, but it does 
really, really increase my concern that people - but especially TM people - be 
aware of the existence of this very common condition which runs down the immune 
system and makes people like us susceptible to a variety of things!  

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