For all of you that have ever applied for SSDI:
With all the SSDI talk, I'm wondering - has anyone with TM ever been denied 
when they went for a hearing? (not just a written appeal or reconsideration)
Because my TM is less severe than many of you, I haven't been really planning 
on getting it, even though I've applied and feel that I should get it b/c I've 
been out of work for over 2 years now because of TM.  I've gotten a lot better, 
but still have a ways to go before I could go to work even part-time.  But 
recently, when I told them how my recon denial was worded, both an SSDI worker 
and an SSDI attorney (whose family I know, so I trust him) have very 
emphatically told me not to give up - that I needed to ask for a hearing (as 
though I would get it for sure.)  I already have, but wasn't sure how much of a 
chance I had of getting it.
Just wondering,

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