Here is a link for "How SSA Decide If You Are Disabled: Disability Planner".  I 
got this from another group about Disability and working, but I thought it 
would be good for this group too.
  That is how SSDI and SSI work, if you can get on them.
The trick is getting on the rolls.  You can only make
$900/month for the 6 months-2 years it takes to get on
the program.  Here's a link from SSA on how you
  Todd in CC, TX   where we are now getting RAIN. :)

    For all of you that have ever applied for SSDI:
  With all the SSDI talk, I'm wondering - has anyone with TM ever been denied 
when they went for a hearing? (not just a written appeal or reconsideration)
  Because my TM is less severe than many of you, I haven't been really planning 
on getting it, even though I've applied and feel that I should get it b/c I've 
been out of work for over 2 years now because of TM.  I've gotten a lot better, 
but still have a ways to go before I could go to work even part-time.  But 
recently, when I told them how my recon denial was worded, both an SSDI worker 
and an SSDI attorney (whose family I know, so I trust him) have very 
emphatically told me not to give up - that I needed to ask for a hearing (as 
though I would get it for sure.)  I already have, but wasn't sure how much of a 
chance I had of getting it.
  Just wondering,

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