Hello  All,
The most  painful part of being paralyzed is the complete loss of every one 
of my family  members with whom I believed I was so close to all of my life 
before  TM.
The last  person, one of my sisters-in-law, has finally written me off 
because of the  Easter Sunday debacle when the lift on our van broke and we 
make  it to visit her for the afternoon.
This week, I  tried one more time, to recocile with her and she basically 
told me that I am no  longer considered one of the family.  I have no idea 
the real problem  lies...cannot figure it out, but it must be me because every 
single one of my  nieces and their families, my nephew and his family and 
both of my  sisters-in-law (my brothers are dead and the gals have both 
remarried), have  written me off.
After losing  all of my immediate family to cancer and one snowmobile 
accident, I did  everything in my power to keep us all together.  Now, the 
niece I 
was  clostest to had the nerve to tell me that she thought it was always "so  
fake."  I have no idea where that comes from because I love my nieces and  
nephew like they are my own children.
What I am  wondering is:  Is there anyone out there who has any idea of where 
to go on  the Internet to find out the psychology behind their action?  I 
have been  told that it is not uncommon, that it happens all of the time.  I 
 tried different ways of describing for an Internet search, but have had no 
luck  in finding a link to anything meaningful.  I have looked through the  
Archives and have found bits of conversation here and there, but nothing that  
really puts the reality of it out there and in words that I can  understand.  
And, in college, I wasn't far enough along to know about these  kinds of things.
Who, if  anyone, out there has had this kind of experience and who might be 
able to share  a Link or two so that I can reference it for myself?
And, as far as  using a cane to gain mobility...you know me and my big 
mouth...Aren't you  hurting yourself more by being frightened every time you go 
 If you  needed glasses or contacts you would use them, correct?  What about 
a  toupe?  Now that's a frightening experience!  No, I'm only  teasing.  We do 
what we must do to keep our lives as open to the world as  possible; to keep 
our bones and muscles as strong as we can; to constantly  challenge our mental 
capabilities  da-da, da-da, da-da!   Use  that cane!  
I'll bet you  are a handsome old fart who might meet and dazzle some sweet 
young "thang" if  you felt confident while out and about.
I love you  all~

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