I don't know if anyone on this list has Lupus in addition to TM but I 
do. This letter was a real eye opener to say the least.  I have been trying to 
explain to many neighbors, family and friends how awful it is to live with 
all these diseases. I have two other autoimmune diseases in addition to the 
above.  Whoever wrote this letter, while being an inspiration to others is also 
sad. She should have been relieved that someone cared enough to ask how she was 
doing and just how it felt to be sick.  Lupus as in TM often is an invisible 
disease. While you are very sick with a serious disease you "look great."  
Because I am almost always a cheerful person, many people think I am a 
       Anyway, THANKS for the letter -- I will forward this to many and hope 
it has a good impact.

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