Dear Members. I have been in the hospital for a little while and am home now. I 
am not sure what happened before I last posted on line here. But for some 
reason I felt like there was something I may have said or done that may have 
affended someone in this group. If that is the case then I appoligize from the 
bottom of my heart. I have tried to treat everyone here with the kindest 
feelings I possess but I know that noone is perfect and I accept the fact that 
if anyone out there that feels the need to disclaim my exestence from this list 
I will bow out no questions asked. Only the lord can judge ones heart and I 
have prayed that I have not been a neusance to this list of wonderful people. I 
pray for everyone only the best life that we are able to live, and that soon 
answers will come to help heal us all . I remain your friend and hopefully a 
benefit to this list . May the Grace of our lord strengthen our bodies,. I 
remain yours, Rick Ashford

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