Welcome aboard Gerry! As the saying goes around here, "Glad you found us but 
sorry you had too". You'll find this is a wonderful family and a wealth of info 
and support. It sounds like your an old time TM'r with nearly 40 years as a 
survior! Thats great! We will keep you and your new trials in our prayers.
Larry in Oklahoma who is fighting the flu!
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: tmic-list@eskimo.com> Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 
> 16:19:32 -0500> Subject: [TMIC] my story> > HI; My name is gerry; someone 
> asked me for my "story" why i do not know > anyway here goes. I am 60 years 
> young. I first contact tm at the age of 21. > I paralysized from the lung 
> cage down. including a 2month stay in icu I was > in the hospital for 
> approximately 5 months. I had to learn to walk again > etc. three years later 
> I had another episode this time lasting two months. > full recovery until 
> 2001 when the symtoms returned. I now have constant pain > 24/7 I have no 
> circulation to speak of My brain can not g9ive my body > correct 
> temperatures. sometimes I feel cold when I am actually quite warm > and 
> sometimes I feel warm when I am actually cold. This event is certainly > 
> brought to the forefront when I cuddle up to my poor wife in the middle to > 
> the night. and wrap my cold hands around her body. since last Saturday I > 
> have slept but 4 hours. I get these muscle spasms which hurt like hell > 
> pardon the expression. There is nothing to be done for them . I take quinne > 
> but it doesn't seem to help. These last from a few minutes to 6 hours as it > 
> did last noth. soemtimes I get five or six a night. I take wellbutrin for > 
> depression,gabapentine for pain and a whole bunch of othere pills to help me 
> > walk. Yes I am fortunate that I can still walk . Every step is pain galore. 
> > I use a cane but have a walker and wheelchair for the very near future. 
> Last > week I was diganosed with ITP ablood cell disorder whereby my white 
> blood > cells are killing each other off. Next Monday I will be enteing the 
> hospital > for chemo , radiation and a bone marrow transplant. Oh my life is 
> far from > dull. Every day brings new challenges, new adventures,. Every 
> morning I pray > for strenght. Every day I try to accomplish something 
> whether its laundry > preparing evening meals or just cleaning up the 
> apartment. we have a cat ; > Astray I picked up .She feels right at home. She 
> sleeps at the foot of the > bed. I love cooking; barbequing; walking; Yes I 
> force myself to walk and > when the weather is bad I walk along the corridor 
> sometimes climbing up and > down the stairs. but most of all I love my wife. 
> it is scary but she reads > my mind. She is my caregiver; my soulmate. I 
> don't know what i would do > without her. I thank God almighty for sending 
> here to me.I too will need > your prayers for next week. many thanks. gerry> 
> > 

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