How about a letter to the editor of your local newspaper? Most  of them have 
a site online with a way to send a letter in via e-mail. They will  usually 
require your name and phone number and will call you to verify that  you're the 
one who sent a letter in, but they won't publish your phone number.  Raising 
public awareness of issues helps sometimes.
Barbara H.
_ ( 
In a message dated 6/1/2007 12:30:58 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Hi  Deborah,

Right now all I can do is with a laptop and cellphone from my  bed or a 
chair, and getting to the
chair isn't so easy.  I have the  help of the Director of the state Fair 
Housing/Fair Rent  Association
because a Senator wrote a letterto him for me.  In  addition to TM I have 
high BP and Tachycardia,
and the stress of all this  is not good for any of these things.  I will hire 
an attorney if I have  to, and
already have spoken to one who has successfully sued condo  boards.

I am also looking to move from here because I am tired of the  constant fight 
for my rights.

Thank you for your suggestions.  I'm  getting all my ducks in a row as best I 
can, considering
my health  issues.

All the best,

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