Thanks Janh for the birthday wishes as well as the others.  This year was my 
big "50" and my daughter and son-in-law was down.  My daughter in "one" day 
here planned a suprise 50 b-day w/ my family and friends.  Some I had not seen 
since TM hit me and paralyzed me (T12 down).  It was wonderful to see everybody 
again and I didn't expect it in anyway.  I just said to my husband that is alot 
of chips on the bar.  I don't see how the 4 of us can eat them all w/o them 
going stale.  I have a wonderful daughter, son-in-law and husband.  My daughter 
called them all, but my husband did most of the cooking on the grill.  I didn't 
see him put it all on there.  So, I was indeed suprised and it was not a "black 
50".  Thank goodness!!!  Regards, Natalie-

Jan Hargrove <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     Happy Birthday to all you June 

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