I actually  prefer to walk barefoot, though I do occasionallyget
splinters, step on hard objects, etc.  Or...change shoes several times a
day because whatever I wear seems to "hurt" my feet after a little
while--discomfort, I don't know how to describe it, but you all know what
I mean! :-)

Yesterday I went out walking around with my sandals on, got stuck in the
mud, and while trying to pull my foot and shoe out, lost my balance and
fell right smack in the mud and water!  At least I  no longer try to keep
from falling, once it is obvious, since that's when I hurt myself the
most, trying to keep from falling.  Other than my pride, no injuries.  the
mud was very soft.  Oh well.

Cora in OK where the rain keeps on coming.

> 'Can you walk around without shoes? I cannot… I do have a balance problem
> but the different floorings, (rug, wood, etc. ) really bother me… and then
> if I step on something I don’t know about it for awhile, then I finally
> realize I’ve stepped on a pin or something left on the floor and then
> finally the pain registers… but it takes awhile. I walked around with a
> penny in my shoe… it took me a long time to feel the pain.. That sort of
> scares me."
> Actually, I feel like the carpet sort of 'fits' to the contours of my feet
> and helps my balance.  But also, I have a small townhouse so there's
> always a wall or a piece of furniture close by to grab onto.  If I go out,
> I walk best in my walking shoes b/c my balance isn't that good.  But I do
> remember a couple months after I first got TM (5/05) when I found a piece
> of glass in the callous of my foot!  You're right - that's a little scary!
> Sally

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