I read many of your "burning", "weird" feet sensations.  I get that too, but 
what about the scalp?
  With me, it started slowly after I was diagnosed with Sjogren Syndrome 15 
years ago, but it was nothing compared to what I experience now:
  I don't get colds, I get flu like symptoms, like sneezing and runny nose, 
etc. and that's when I know I'm going to get it.  Awful burning, itching 
sensation of the scalp and ears, sometimes even on the forehead.  Sometimes, 
it's so bad, I just pull my hair; that does relieve the pressure.  Usually 
lasts a day, and then it's over (until the next time).
  When I mention it to doctors, they dismiss it, they tell me it's dryness.  
  Am I the only one with this symptoms (among so many others)?

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