Hi,  When I first went into the  hospital 9/05 the doctors didnt know what 
the heck I had.  So they started  me on IVIG.   They thought I might have 
Guilliame Barre  Syndrome.  I was on it for 5 days - 3 bottles a day.  Very 
hospital (teaching hospital) on Long Island in New York.  The entire  
neurological staff could not give a diagnosis - They thought this would help if 
 I had 
GBS -   I was on high dose steroids too.  I was fully  covered for this, havent 
paid one medical bill in the nearly 2 years but of  course I am on Medicare 
and AARP as supplementary insurance.  No one has  since suggested that I go on 
this treatment again and I have seen many other  neurologist since then,   
including going to the Cleveland  clinic.  Conclusion by most of them is either 
spinal cord stroke or  TM.  It all ends up as spinal cord damage anyway.  
HOpe this  helps.
     Stay well,  Rosalie

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