Hi,  I have a Jazzy wheelchair and  it is a life saver.  I also have a manual 
chair which my therapists really  wanted me to use to keep upper body 
strength and perhaps I would walk with my  walker more.  However, at this point 
in my 
life I have to make things  easier for me and my husband.
    I use the power  chair to get me in my van so that I can drive myself 
anywhere I want to  go.   The arms go up and the chair also lifts up so that I 
can reach  more things.  It allows me to use both arms to do things because 
I  have a walker I still have to hold on with one hand.  I cannot stand alone 
 without holding on to something.
    Also, with the  manual chair you have to use 2 arms to get around.  With 
the power chair  only one hand is used so that you can hold onto something in 
your other hand and  move about from one room to another (like the glass of 
wine I have  everyday).
    I had to have  something repaired on the chair the other day and I went 
to the showroom.   You cannot imagine all the varieties of chairs that are out 
there.  You  really need someone like a therapist to tell you which is the 
best one for  you.
    HOpe this  helps,   Rosalie

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