
The first time that I found myself paralyzed,  the ER physician *decided*
(After doing an MRI but not high enough.) that I had hysterical paralysis,
or a conversion disorder brought on by overwork.  I can remember lying there
and thinking:  *Hmmmm, I guess that I am crazy.   But how could one be so
overwrought by work, that they would soil and urinate in their pants?  Oh
well, he's the doctor so he MUST know.*    Of course, I continued to get
worse and eventually got my NMO diagnosis.  Still, the pain and humiliation
that I experienced at the inital ER has never gone away.   Today still, I am
shocked by peoples insensitivity and their almost rabid desire to jump
to conclusions.  Whenever I am having a bad day, my spasticity acts up,
leaving me with a very stiff unbendable right side.  Yes, I DO walk like a
drunk on occasion, but why are strangers so eager to jump to conclusions and
assume that I am (Either a drunk or mentally deficient.), whenever they
don't know me, or my circumstances?   And no, I will never forget lying on
that floor in the local Walmart.  You're right, people are generally
insensitive to our inner pain.

I love you.
Don't forget to mail.

>  ------------------------------

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