I never realized prior to my TM how many disabled people there  are in this 
world.  It's amazing.  I used to work as a benefits  coordinator, and I had to 
give the new hire benefits  orientations.  The person who I replaced had a 
saying that I  always used, although not really totally able to relate to it at 
that  time. 
Heck, I was only 35 years old, and not much happened to people of that  age.  
And, my audience was mostly 20 somethings, as I worked in a  headquarters for 
a retail clothing company.  She said that it  was much more costly to live 
with a disability than to die in an accident, so to  try and get people to 
understand about disability insurance and the value of  it.  It was really a 
sell, as I had a really hard time talking about  it.  Most didn't understand 
or want to spend the couple  of dollars it would cost them per month.
When I learned that I had TM and that I had a permanent  condition and not 
just a sore back, I sure was thankful I had my disability  insurance.
Please, if you know anyone who is changing jobs or has the opportunity to  
add this to their insurance plan at work, remind them of the value of having a  
disability insurance plan.  It can make such a difference in their  lifestyle. 
 Mine actually makes them keep me on as an employee receiving  this benefit 
until I am 65 years old or until I am able to return to work.   It makes me 
able to afford my medication, etc.  Many who don't have the  insurance struggle 
with this.
We all know that your life can change in an instant, without warning, and  
without you being responsible for it.
Hugs to all, Barbara A

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