In a message dated 9/13/2007 4:56:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Thanks  Jude... and the other folks who have welcomed me into this  
community.  I have been lurking and learning about how to cope with  TM 
since July and I have to say you are an amazing group of people.   I 
don't have much wisdom to offer (okay,  I did email Frank about  Hen3ry 
and Tom Lehrer as my husbands a fan and has the complete  collection) 
but that's about it.  and I haven't tipped over backwards  in a 
wheelchair yet but if my sense of balance takes one more hit I'm  gonna 
need a cane  to avoid embarrassing encounters with  lampposts   and 
local officers (this college town has a real  reputation for being a 
party school)

I see my neuro Oct 1 and am  trying to think of all the questions I 
could possibly write down to ask  him about meds, treatments, recovery 
etc.  Anybody have   suggestions for my list?
Mindy the artisan

We are all so happy that you decided to  make yourself knowns to us.  It is a 
gift to meet one more unfortunate  TM'er, willing to share a bit of herself, 
her disease experience, and her  ability to feel free enough to discuss 
upcoming events and the willingness to  ask for help and ideas regarding her 
trip to the  neurologist.
I did my forte'...that of welcoming you  and helping you feel safe enough to 
open up and ask the questions you need help  with.  Now it is up to some of 
the others to help with your questions  because I know next to nothing about 
runs what, who is going to give you an  idea of what to ask the neurologist 
when your time for your appointment nears,  and all of that kind of stuff.
Best of everything, my dear.  Make  a list and stick to it.!
Jude, from  Michigan
"Our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet  they 
produce for us an immeasurably great Glory that will last forever"

2 Corinthians 4:17

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